The London Harry Potter Experience – Part Six, Hogwarts

The finale of the walking tour at the London Harry Potter Experience is a magnificent walk around the special gigantic model they built of Hogwarts and the surrounding structures.

A study model of Hogwarts to determine a variety of filming angles.

Before seeing the big model that was used for production for all the films, you see a smaller study model that helped filmmakers and special effects folks determine a variety of filming angles.

The giant Hogwarts model at the London Harry Potter Experience.

This huge gigantic model is under special lighting now, and it was not fully detailed as many of the small details were added in post production via computer graphics. But it was felt it would be better to use the model to shoot all the shots to give the CGI artists a good base to work with, and to get the shots down for editing the film.

Lighting changes on the model for the visitors to the Harry Potter Experience.

Details on the castle, such as the rockwork, were put into the model, then enhanced as needed in post production.

A view from the countryside of the giant Hogwarts model.

Model builders built up some trees, though some were added for the benefit of visitors to the Harry Potter Experience.

Some areas of the model are more detailed than others.

Areas described in the books were all created as the films progressed so that filmmakers knew what they had to work with.

The rickety walking bridge that leads students into Hogwarts.

The entire bridge was built in model form, though a small section was built for filming the actors, then the background of Hogwarts or the surrounding area was added in post.

The model is huge, an you walk around it on a ramp that takes you from the second floor of the building it is house in, to the first floor.

If you look carefully, you can see visitors to the experience in the right hand side of the photo, which gives you an idea of the size of this massive model.

The long stairs that lead down to the water.

The stairs that lead down to the water and other areas were built. I’d hate to climb those.

The massive stone bridge, upon which a major battle took place in the final film.

The rockwork was also highly detailed, making the CGI easier to do in post production.

The harbor building.

The location of some major plot actions.

The cafeteria.

In the visitors’ cafeteria, they put up a mock up of the floating candles, so you can eat your food or drink your beverage and imagine yourself in the Harry Potter universe.

A map of everything.

A giant version of the Marauder’s Map is on display in the huge lobby.

With that we conclude our six-part tour of the London Harry Potter Experience. Here are links to the other five parts.

The London Harry Potter Experience – Part One

The London Harry Potter Experience – Part Two

The London Harry Potter Experience – Part Three

The London Harry Potter Experience – Part Four


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