Day 7 of Adventures in the Daddy Zone with Dad

Prairie, small towns, trains and Dodge City. The last was kinda meh on day 7 of my trip with Dad.

Las Vegas, New Mexico

We started this morning in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The downtown of this small town is, well, a little pretty much like many other small towns downtown areas. Though it did have a homeless person who was just waking up from his night’s sleep in front of the town’s movie theater.

Wide open spaces.

The wide open spaces of the prairie in northeast New Mexico, Oklahoma and southwest Kansas looked pretty much like this. There is one lone oil well pumping away in the distance.

National Grasslands

National Grasslands are a way of trying to return large parts of the prairie decimated during the dust bowl to its original state. Now all we need are some buffalo roaming around in their old home.


We entered Oklahoma, where the wind goes rolling ‘cross the plain.

Kansas, the state not the singing group.

Then we entered Kansas, farms and silos and yes there was some dust in the wind.

Unpowered steam power

This steam engine that used to run on the Santa Fe line was on display in Dodge City, Kansas.


The details and specifications of the above steam locomotive.

Tourist trap.

Yep, it’s not much and we decided against visiting this in Dodge City, Kansas.

Another museum in Dodge City.

Gunfighters and Teachers together in Dodge City. Kinda strange.

Deserted front street.

The only business on Dodge City’s Front street was Yogi’s Vape. All the other store fronts were empty. Sad.

Nothing here either.

The building was closed up, and the hotel not operating. I see so many possibilities in Dodge City, but there seems to be a lack of vision of what could be in the town.

It’s an obligatory shot of a silo in Dodge City.

There are a lot of silos in Kansas, including on the main drag of the city.

Dad on a caboose.

So that’s our look today. Dad on a caboose brings up the rear of this post.

Here’s a link to Day 6 – Part 2.

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Art Ist November 5, 2018 - 5:22 am

You should swing by Abilene, Kansas and see the Eisenhower museum if you have time

Mark Eades November 6, 2018 - 1:54 pm

We did.

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