Really regular Disneyland visitors?

by Mark Eades

I was at Disneyland and decided to take a trip around the Rivers of America on the Mark Twain Steamboat.

As usual, I had my camera with me, you never know when there will be a photo opportunity. There was, but not the kind I was looking for.

Blanket for FantasmicAs we were steaming in front of New Orleans Square, I noticed a blanket down on the walkway, right up against the fence.

Now this was obviously placed by some Disneyland regulars in the perfect front spot for that night’s performance of Fantasmic! Nothing wrong with that, I am sure some of you are saying.

Well I say it is wrong. Why? Because it was not even 1 p.m. Yet, here was this blanket stretched out just like at any Southern California beach, keeping anyone away from being able to have their family pose for a keepsake photograph.

I know there are a lot of Annual Passholders, and some of them act like they own the place and think they can do whatever they want but come on, think of others – especially those visitors who do not visit every day. They want their day to feel special, and not like a day at the beach having to play dodge the beach blanket.

I am also sure this was not the first time for these blanket homesteaders to see Fantasmic!

Folks, the park is there for everyone, not just you.

Disagree if you want, but I think a more realistic time to put a blanket down would be more like an hour before the show. I wouldn’t mind if Disneyland picked up any blankets and sent them to lost and found.

Rant over. Feel free to comment. No swearing.

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Rob Merritt March 13, 2014 - 1:09 am

I wonder what would happen if Cast Memebers picked up the blankets and left notes to the guest, telling them where they could recover the blanket. I could see other park guests just removing the blanket to claim the view space. That could start some less than “Happiest Place” memories.

Sarah McKelvie March 13, 2014 - 2:16 am

I say, if you want to reserve a spot, you’d best sit your ass down in it. Otherwise, it’s for the taking.

JessIca March 13, 2014 - 3:12 am

I could NOT agree More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally someone speaks up! You are so dead right on, there’s a lot that I can say about all this but it’s best that I keep my trap shut.

Michelle Eaton March 17, 2014 - 11:08 pm

I agree with you, mark. A policy to allow park visitors to claim a place to sit would have to be written, published, and apply to all interested parties. This would create chaos and disrupt the enjoyment of all park visitors and is therefore unworkable. The blankets or towels or chairs need to be removed like all other lost or “misplaced” (wrongly placed) items.

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